Animação do loading

We were born in 2008, aiming to fill a void in the Portuguese advertising industry and change, with guerrilla marketing, the way brands communicate in Portugal.

So, we don’t run on fads.

We say whatever goes through our mind since it’s relevant to the objectives of the brands we work with.

Above all, we know how to behave accordingly with each reality, being it traditional or digital.

We speak any language or dialect and, if needed, we call upon our expert partners, whether dictionaries or another kind of resources.

Perfect, we’re not. Perfectionists, for sure, we are.

It’s because of these and other reasons that when someone asks us about what Bazooka is, we simplify and just say:

“It’s a different story”.

We deal with brands in multiple ways. But the truth is, in the end, what matters is always the same: generate impact and tangible results.


Although guerrilla marketing runs through our veins ever since we were born, it’s the 360º scope of our approach that leads our thinking and strategy. We build both activation and integrated campaigns, working from ideation processes to logistics. We have no preferences regarding formats or media, but rather focus on the message to communicate followed by the relevance of the channels to convey it. We choose the approaches that best favour the interests of our clients.


We create brands from scratch, from the void to its matured universe. We also rebrand those with a past, revamping its look all down the line as so much rethinking its values and character. We manage brands across every media platforms, both online and offline. We take care of your brand as if it were our own, keeping the pace of its evolution in a close and constant way.

Digital Marketing

We manage social media networks with strategy, content, and a tone of voice clearly defined and adapted to each community’ idiosyncrasies. We activate and monitor the evolution of digital marketing campaigns. We develop microsites, mobile videos, and conversion strategies. We think digital.

R. de Pinto Bessa 272 Escritório 5
4300-431 Porto Portugal

+351 918318424
